Deeply Rooted In Him

Walking With God, Spreading the Good News, and Deepening our roots in His word together.

A New Song, Is Published!

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Hello My friends and Family,

I am so excited to tell you “A New Song” Has finally Been published!!!

I am not sure where to start. When I was asked to contribute to this book, I became excited at the opportunity to share my story, God’s story! But as I actually sat down to write it, I became afraid, that I would not be able to convey the message properly and that I could disappoint those who may be expecting me to write a masterpiece. I am presently struggling with some books that I also am writing. I am sure God is using this opportunity as a push. He is telling me to just do it, while using this opportunity to boost my confidence too. I know God wants me to share this story in any way that I can. He is opening new doors daily, not just for me but for you as well. We just need to walk through them – even if at times we have to crawl through. Whatever it takes for us to move forward, keep growing, and to help others do the same.

Any ways! Here is a note from the main editor, with the book Poster below.

Hi Everyone,
I just heard from our printer about the book’s final price for 192 pages with contributions from 53 authors, 17 photographers/artists, and a beautiful color cover with semi-exposed Wire-0 binding that allows the book to open flat.

If we order 500– the cost will be $15/book
If we order 1,000 — the cost will be $13/book

So far, I have received orders for 237. Please let me know how many you plan to order so that I can get the best price.

Thank you,

Diane Kulkarni

A New Song Poster

I’m so happy that is is finally here!! There are so many awesome stories besiides mine in this book. It is a great Testament of God’s work!!! Please check it out for yourself! Email Diane or call her and place your order. I don’t thing it is selling online anywhere.. 😦

I can’t wait to share my story with you all!! I love you, and God Loves you too!!

~Amy Jane

Author: Amy Jane Sandberg

~God Bless You!~

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